April 2017 |
My career as an art consultant has undergone many transformations in twenty five years of business, but each phase was intuitively driven by my love of people and respect and passion for everything to do with art, creativity, and the beauty and meaning they bring to my life.
My focus on art began in my youth, and led me to the University of Kansas and the Kansas City Art Institute for a time before starting work there as an artist at Hallmark Cards. The whole experience of being in this creative, but controlled work environment was great, but helped to form my awareness of how much more I preferred to work independently!
Actually becoming more independent was soon delayed by a decision to marry young, have three children, and move five times from coast to coast before finally coming to rest on the West Coast of Florida! My children are now grown and have children of their own to further bless me as I enjoy the benefits of being a "Nana" who can still ride a bike with them!
I am very grateful for the maturity, enlightenment, and self assurance that owning my own business has provided. My clients become true friends more often than not, and are from the most interesting and diverse segments of our social and public communities. The belief that the art we choose to own is both an extension of ourselves, and a defining statement in our homes and lives continues to be our mutual conviction. With this idea firmly in mind, I'm released from the burden of feeling compelled to "sell a painting" to anyone! My goal is always to provide a happy experience, good value, and the convenient ownership of beautifully framed, well placed, and timeless art to long term clients.
The experience of having done exactly that for hundreds of art collectors over these many years gives my life purpose and great satisfaction!